Talk about alcohol: impact of a school-based alcohol intervention on early adolescents

Despite a downward trend in alcohol consumption among 11-15-year-olds in recent years (Fuller, E, ed. 2013. Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use Among Young People in England in 2012. London: Health and Social Care Information Centre. http://www.hscic.gov.uk/catalogue/PUB11334 ), the proportion of young people seeking support from alcohol-related specialist services, and the societal and monetary costs associated with alcohol consumption, need to be addressed. Education can play an important role in this. The evaluation of the Alcohol Education Trust's Talk About Alcohol school-based intervention was conducted across England between November 2011 and October 2013 by independent evaluators. The aim was to compare the alcohol-related knowledge, awareness, and behaviour of students aged 12-14 in an intervention group with a statistically matched comparison group. Three identical surveys were carried out with approximately 4000 students to explore change over time over a 16-18-month timeframe. Multilevel modelling looked at changes in outcomes over the three time points and control for measured differences between intervention and comparison groups. There was evidence of a statistically significant delay in the age at which teenagers start to drink. There was also a significant association between the intervention and knowledge of alcohol and its effects. Although levels of frequency of drinking and binge drinking were lower than in the comparison schools, there were no statistically significant differences. Students from both groups identified personal, social, and health education lessons as a preferred source of information about alcohol and its effects. The positive impact on alcohol knowledge and the delayed onset of drinking show that the materials may support England's policy priorities around alcohol.

Additional Info

  • Authors

    Lynch S
  • Issue

    International Journal of Health Promotion and Education Volume 52, Issue 5, 2014 Special Issue: Children and Young People; pages 283-299
  • Published Date
