Drinking patterns

The consumption patterns of wine/alcoholic beverages are strongly influenced by cultural factors and vary around the world. The amount of alcohol is not the only important factor, how wine/alcoholic beverages are consumed also matters = drinking pattern. It influences the biological effects of wine/alcoholic beverages in the body.

Drinking moderately as an accompaniment to food, and in alternance with a non-alcoholic beverage such as water will have a different effect on the body than drinking a large amount on a single occasion

Mediterranean drinking patterns
A positive example are the drinking habits in Mediterranean countries.
The Med Diet includes wine and it is consumed:
Moderately with meals
Alternated with water
Spread across the week, instead of drinking on a single occasion
Binge-drinking is avoided

Eating patterns
The Mediterranean diet, which includes moderate consumption of wine, is considered as one of the healthiest diets in the world by the World Health Organisation. It is not a single diet but a general eating pattern, which is marked by local and cultural differences throughout the Mediterranean region. The traditional Mediterranean Diet encourages the intake of fresh, seasonal and local foods and is closely associated with social and cultural factors.
As an example: shared eating practices, post-meal rest and lengthy mealtimes, are thought to contribute to the attributed positive health effects recorded in the Mediterranean region. The recommendation to practise conviviality is still part of the modern-day Med Diet pyramid.
The Mediterranean diet is generally characterised by a high intake of plant-based foods (fruit, vegetables, nuts and cereals) and olive oil, a moderate intake of fish and poultry, a low intake of dairy products (principally yoghurt and cheese), red meat, processed meats and sweets (for which fresh fruit is often substituted), and a moderate intake of wine, preferentially consumed with meals.
Wine in moderation with meals and respecting social beliefs