11 march 2022

Corrigendum to: ‘A genetic risk score and diabetes predict development of alcohol-related cirrhosis in drinkers’ [J Hepatol 2022 (76) 275-282]

No abstract available

Erratum for

  • A genetic risk score and diabetes predict development of alcohol-related cirrhosis in drinkers.

    Whitfield JB, Schwantes-An TH, Darlay R, Aithal GP, Atkinson SR, Bataller R, Botwin G, Chalasani NP, Cordell HJ, Daly AK, Day CP, Eyer F, Foroud T, Gleeson D, Goldman D, Haber PS, Jacquet JM, Liang T, Liangpunsakul S, Masson S, Mathurin P, Moirand R, McQuillin A, Moreno C, Morgan MY, Mueller S, Müllhaupt B, Nagy LE, Nahon P, Nalpas B, Naveau S, Perney P, Pirmohamed M, Seitz HK, Soyka M, Stickel F, Thompson A, Thursz MR, Trépo E, Morgan TR, Seth D; GenomALC Consortium.J Hepatol. 2022 Feb;76(2):275-282. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2021.10.005. Epub 2021 Oct 14.PMID: 34656649

Additional Info

  • Authors

    Seth D.; Naveau S.; Perney P.; Botwin G.; Haber P. S.; Seitz H. K.; Day C. P.; Daly A. K.; Cordell H. J.; Whitfield J. B.; Morgan T. R.; Nahon P.; Genom A. L. C. Consortium; Atkinson S. R.; Chalasani N. P.; Foroud T.; McQuillin A.; Morgan M. Y.; Mullhaupt B.; Thursz M. R.; Trepo E.; Eyer F.; Moreno C.; Liangpunsakul S.; Nagy L. E.; Bataller R.; Stickel F.; Schwantes-An T. H.; Darlay R.; Mathurin P.; Mueller S.; Aithal G. P.; Masson S.; Gleeson D.; Thompson A.; Soyka M.; Goldman D.; Liang T.; Pirmohamed M.; Nalpas B.; Jacquet J. M.; Moirand R.
  • Issue

    J Hepatol . 2022 Mar 11;S0168-8278(22)00117-9
  • Published Date

    11 march 2022