9 september 2024

Alcohol Consumption and Cardiovascular Disease: A Narrative Review of Evolving Perspectives and Long-Term Implications

Cardiovascular illnesses remain the primary cause of death, accounting for at least 17.9 million fatalities per year and posing a significant public health problem because of its extensive predominance and effect on healthcare systems. The etiology of cardiovascular disease is complex and involves several environmental and lifestyle factors. Alcohol use is a highly important determinant because of its dual-edged effect on cardiovascular health. Multiple studies indicate that moderate alcohol consumption may have certain advantages, such as slight enhancements in lipid profiles. Conversely, excessive alcohol intake is associated with serious negative consequences, including cardiomyopathy, hypertension, arrhythmias, and even mortality. The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the several effects of alcohol on cardiovascular health and their understanding within the medical field over time. It uses an interpretative narrative review methodology and analyzes studies that focus on genetic risk factors, gender differences, and shifts in paradigms in recent years. This article highlights the need for obtaining a thorough understanding of the effects of alcohol on cardiovascular health to support public health guidelines and clinical practice, and it underscores the significance of including alcohol consumption into the broader context of cardiovascular risk management and identifies important subjects for further study.

Additional Info

  • Authors

    Georgescu O. S.; Martin L.; Tartea G. C.; Rotaru-Zavaleanu A. D.; Dinescu S. N.; Vasile R. C.; Gresita A.; Gheorman V.; Aldea M.; Dinescu V. C.
  • Issue

    Periodical: Life (Basel) - Volume: 14 - Number: 9 - Edition: 20240909
  • Published Date

    9 september 2024