Events 14 October 2013

Binge Drinking in Belgian Minors: an innocent problem?

Binge drinkingBinge drinking (consuming rapidly four or more alcoholic drinks over a short period of time) has bee... in Belgian Minors: an innocent problem?

November 8, 2013, from 09:00 to 16:00
Palace of the Academies Brussels

Scientific Coordinator
Prof J. Ramet UZA/UA

Binge drinkingBinge drinking (consuming rapidly four or more alcoholic drinks over a short period of time) has bee...” among minors : Is this a minor problem ?

Otherwise known as the English Binge Drinking phenomenon, young people engage in the consumption of large amounts of alcohol in short amounts of time. Many of those
end up in the emergency after alcohol intoxications or the consequences thereof . Is it still a minor problem ?
The Antwerp University Hospital, Antwerp University and Reinier de Graaf Group of Netherlands, wanted to discuss this growing problem . In collaboration with the Belgian Society of Pediatrics, a survey was conducted among emergency services that face alcohol problems among young people. Alongside the results of a European study conducted in Flanders and Wallonia on this issue, a wide range of direct and indirect evidence such as social costs , determining the context of alcohol and medical aspects of consumption excessive alcohol will be presented at this symposium. Netherlands’ first clinic fully dedicated to youth and alcohol has already opened, more information about their experience will be given during the symposium.

This is why this symposium is not only recommended for physicians, but also to other actors of the medico-social sector who are facing the problem of excessive drinking among young people.

Preliminary Programme

  • Guido Van Hal (UA): Drinking behaviour in Flemish university and college students
  • Stephan Van den Broucke (UCL): Cognitive determinants (alcohol expectancies), peer-influences and social determinants regarding alcohol use in young people
  • Nathalie Moreau (ULB): Results of the European Health Behaviour in School aged Children – study in Wallonia (HBSC-study)
  • Anne Hublet (UGent): Results of the European Health Behaviour in School aged Children – study in Flanders (HBSC-study)
  • Kurt Doms (Federal public service: health, food chain safety and environment): Health policy and the social costs of alcohol use in Belgium
  • Michiel Callens (IMA): Nomenclature and alcohol misuse in young people
  • Jozef De Dooy (UZA): Medical aspects of alcohol intoxication in young people

For more information about the symposium and to register, click here.