Wine in Moderation presents digital training for wine professionals at 44th OIV Congress
Cadiz and Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, hosted the 44th World Congress of wine and Vine, the country’s biggest wine-growing area worldwide.
From June 5 to June 9, 2023, more than 500 participants from 47 countries gathered to attend interesting presentations of the world’s leading specialists in the area of viticulture and oenology as well as experts for wine related topics about health, safety, law and economy. The Congress covered many topics, including wine growing techniques adapted to climate changes, oenological practices, i.e., of no/low alcohol wines, the role of digital transformation in sustainable wine business as well as the health implications of moderate wine consumption.
Wine in Moderation – represented by Ursula Fradera – took the opportunity to introduce the “Digital online training for wine professionals: from responsible service to a sustainable wine culture” to the interested audience. Ursula Fradera provided a comprehensive explanation that each interactive module aims to tackle a specific topic that is considered important for the sustainability of the wine sector. She proceeded to offer a short summary of each module.
These modules cover general information about wine, wine and health aspects, the wine-related legal framework, self-regulation and responsible advertising, examples of good practices, tips on how to pair wine and food and how a responsible wine experience can look like in oenotourism to name just a few. Each module follows the same structure starting with an introduction to the module, a set of questions to assess the preliminary knowledge of the student, the module content, a pop quiz at the end to assess the knowledge retained from the module by the student and key takeaways.
Every professional who has successfully completed the digital training will be considered a Wine in Moderation trained professional. For this, they need to have reached at least 80% in the quizzes at the end of all modules.
Ms. Fradera concluded that this online tool will be a key asset for wine professionals around the world who want to take an active role in encouraging moderate and responsible drinking patterns.