6 february 2013

Gender convergence in adolescent drunkenness in different Italian regions

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate time trend changes in frequency of drunkenness among Italian adolescents. Gender convergence in adolescent drunkenness was evaluated in different geographical regions.

METHODS: The survey reported here is part of the larger cross-sectional (2002/2006/2010) "Health Behaviour in School-aged Children" (HBSC) trans-national study. The sample comprised 13,174 Italian middle and secondary school students (50.3 % girls). Data were collected through a self-report questionnaire. Data on drunkenness and demographic characteristics were used for this study. Trends were determined using the Gamma statistics.

RESULTS: Prevalence of drunkenness decreased from 2002 to 2010 in both boys (from 26.9 to 21.8 %) and girls (from 18.7 to 15.0 %). Consistent with the hypothesis of gender convergence, the difference in the prevalence of drunkenness between boys and girls declined from 2002 to 2010 in the south of Italy and in the islands.

CONCLUSIONS: Future researches and prevention programs on drunkenness should give more consideration to geographical-cultural differences not only by comparing or taking in consideration different countries but also by comparing different regions in the same country.

Additional Info

  • Authors

    Vieno A.; Lenzi M.; Santinello M.; Cavallo F.
  • Issue

    Int.J.Public Health / pages 785-90 / 58(5)
  • Published Date

    6 february 2013