july 2008

Alcohol–how much is too much?

The aims of this study were to examine perceptions of what a sample of students and graduates consider an excessive alcohol intake to be and it's effect on their health. 115 University College Cork (UCC) students and 133 UCC graduates were questioned about their opinions of an acceptable weekly intake of alcohol. The results reveal dramatic changes in drinking habits over recent decades. Students began drinking earlier than graduates and are far more accepting of greater amounts of alcohol being consumed. The student's average opinion of what constituted an excessive weekly alcohol intake was 26.5 units of alcohol/week whereas the graduates felt over 18 units/week was too much. We concluded that even amongst these highly educated cohorts there is a low level of awareness of safe limits of alcohol consumption.

Additional Info

  • Authors

    O'Connor N.; O'Connor M.; Bradley C.P.
  • Issue

    Ir.Med.J. / pages 200-202 / volume 101
  • Published Date

    july 2008