13 september 2016

Alcohol drinking patterns in young people: A survey-based study

Binge drinkingBinge drinking (consuming rapidly four or more alcoholic drinks over a short period of time) has bee... represents a major clinical and public health concern. Here, we investigated the prevalence of binge drinking and its related consequences, in a population of young adults. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 4275 healthy subjects. In the overall sample, the percentage of binge drinkers was 67.6 per cent; among regular alcohol users, 79.5 per cent reported episodes of binge drinking. Among binge drinkers, several serious consequences were identified (staggering and stuttering, amnesia, loss of control, aggressiveness, sexual disinhibition). Raising awareness about the seriousness of binge drinking may help health care providers to identify cases early on and provide appropriate treatments.

Additional Info

  • Authors

    Martinotti G.; Lupi M.; Carlucci L.; Santacroce R.; Cinosi E.; Acciavatti T.; Sarchione F.; Verrastro V.; Diotaiuti P.; Petruccelli I.; Ferrari S.; Nanni M.G.; Pinna F.; Volpe U.; Saggino A.; Janiri L.; Leggio L.; Di Giannantonio M.
  • Issue

    J Health Psychol. 2016 Sep 13. pii: 1359105316667795. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Published Date

    13 september 2016