2 may 2011

Alcohol consumption and pancreatic cancer: a pooled analysis in the International Pancreatic Cancer Case-Control Consortium (PanC4)

BACKGROUND: Heavy alcohol drinking has been related to pancreatic cancer, but the issue is still unsolved.

METHODS: To evaluate the role of alcohol consumption in relation to pancreatic cancer, we conducted a pooled analysis of 10 case-control studies (5585 cases and 11 827 controls) participating in the International Pancreatic Cancer Case-Control Consortium. We computed pooled odds ratios (ORs) by estimating study-specific ORs adjusted for selected covariates and pooling them using random effects models.

RESULTS: Compared with abstainers and occasional drinkers (/=9 drinks per day). Results did not change substantially when we evaluated associations by tobacco smoking status, or when we excluded participants who reported a history of pancreatitis, or participants whose data were based upon proxy responses. Further, no notable differences in pooled risk estimates emerged across strata of sex, age, race, study type, and study area.

CONCLUSION: This collaborative-pooled analysis provides additional evidence for a positive association between heavy alcohol consumption and the risk of pancreatic cancer.

Additional Info

  • Authors

    Lucenteforte E.; La Vecchia C.; Silverman D.; Petersen G.M.; Bracci P.M.; Ji B.T.; Bosetti C.; Li D.; Gallinger S.; Miller A.B.; Bueno-De-Mesquita H.B.; Talamini R.; Polesel J.; Ghadirian P.; Baghurst P.A.; Zatonski W.; Fontham E.; Bamlet W.R.; Holly E.A.; Gao Y.T.; Negri E.; Hassan M.; Cotterchio M.; Su J.; Maisonneuve P.; Boffetta P.; Duell E.J.
  • Issue

  • Published Date

    2 may 2011