Events 10 November 2015

Mediterranean colloquium “Wine and Nutrition”

Mediterranean colloquium “Wine and Nutrition”
Hyères-Les-Palmiers (Provence), France, 9-10 March 2016
Meeting under the auspices of the UNESCO Chair, culture and tradition of wine


To highlight the cultural, nutritional aspects and the traditional way of life link to the Multisecular, Mediterranean civilization where the wine is a central element of welfare and health if it is used with moderation. Further advances on scientific and medical knowledge. To rehabilitate the wine and its perception to the politician leaders, the society, the medical area and the image vectors.

Associated European countries of the Mediterranean area : France, Italy, Spain.


Wine and Mediterranean diet; cardiovascular; cognitive aging; inflammation; cancer; polyphenols anti-/pro-oxidants; tasting; welfare; societal image; society perception.


Most of the lectures will be given in French. However, English speaking language is welcome if needed.

Registration (before January 31st, 2016)

Prof. Norbert Latruffe
Université de Bourgogne,
Labo de Biochimie (BioperoxIL)
6, Bd Gabriel, 21000 Dijon, France
Tel + 33 (0) 3 84 32 41 97

Registration fees (*)

Academic, wine amateur: 120E (*) + 80E gala dinner (optional)
Student below 35 years old: 80 E (*) + 80E gala dinner (optional)
Vitiviniculture professional, business and media: 180 E (*) + 80E gala dinner (optional)
(*) fees provide the attendance to the lectures, the abstract book, the lunch and the coffee breaks