03 October 2023


For many decades, epidemiological studies have consistently shown that light-to-moderate consumers of wine/alcoholic beverages have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and a lower risk of death from all causes (including total cancer) compared with non-drinkers or those who drink heavily. It is not limited to alcohol-related causes of death, but instead captures all deaths combined. This is otherwise known as the J-curve.

Numerous scientific studies demonstrate a J-shaped relationship between the disease/mortality risk (the Y axis) and low-to-moderate daily consumption levels of wine/alcoholic beverages (the X axis). This means low-to moderate wine consumers have a lower risk of dying from coronary heart disease [CHD], cardiovascular disease [CVD] and other causes as well as a lower risk of developing these diseases (CVD, Type 2 diabetes and dementia) than abstainers. Above moderate levels, the risk increases steadily. This J-curve has been found in numerous scientific studies and in different populations.

What researchers are still discussing is the lowest point of the J-curve – that is the amount of alcohol where the most benefits and the lowest risk can be found.