Assessing the ties of socio-economic background and gender on the frequency and the type of alcoholic beverages consumed by French adolescents
Among French adolescents, socio-economic background and gender both influence the frequency and the type of alcoholic beverages they consume.
When analyzing the pattern of alcohol use, most studies focus on drinking frequency and quantity, but this study analyses two different parameters, which can be important for prevention policies.
Around 30 000 French adolescents aged 17 were interviewed regarding their consumption of alcoholic beverages during the month prior to the survey, distinguishing between 4 types of alcoholic beverages, between genders and ranking based on their family occupational status.
This study highlights that differences in the consumption of alcoholic beverages exist between gender and socio- economic background: on the one hand, boys consume more diversified drinks and prefer beer and strong liquors compared to girls; on the other hand, adolescents living in a higher socio-economic family environment drink also more diversified beverages, with a preference for wine, and drink less frequently than those from a lower socio-economic background.
Janssen E, Assessing the ties of socioeconomic background and gender on the frequency and type of alcoholic beverages consumed by French adolescents, 2014, J Subst Use, Early online: 1-7
For more information about this article, read the scientific abstract here.